Saturday 17 March 2012

Islam Beliefs

Islam Beliefs

Islam beliefs included by many are the beliefs that to be a true Muslims you must believe in the Six Articles of Faith.
The most important Islam beliefs are their belief in Allah, the Prophets, life, salvation and that there is an afterlife.
1.    That there is only one God
2.    The Angels of God
3.    The Qur’an, the book of God
4.    The prophets of God, in particular Mohammed 

5.    The Day of Judgment, the afterlife
6.    The supremacy of God’s will
Followers of Islam believe that there is only one God whom they call Allah. The word Allah is derived from the Arabic ‘The’ al and ‘God’ llah. Muslims believe that God is all-powerful and is transcended and not a part of his own creation.
God is referred to in the Qur’an over ninety nine times and is given names which reflect his superiority and supremacy, among these names the more frequently used names include The Creator, The Fashioner, The Lord of the World, The Prevailer.
Muslims believe that Allah is a God of justice and will reward those who are righteous and punish those who are unrighteous.
Muhammad, founder of Islam is known as The Seal of the Prophets, he is held in high esteem, although he is not regarded in any way as divine because Islam does not permit this due to their belief that there is only one God.
Islam beliefs are that Allah created to men as the greatest of all creatures, they have free will which enables them to obey and serve Allah.
The object of life for Muslims is to live in a way which pleases Allah which will enable them to enter paradise. Muslims believe that at puberty a record of deeds is opened which will be used at the Day of Judgment to establish his eternal fate.
Muslims believe that man has a soul and Islam teaches that the soul and a changed physical appearance are present after death. The Day of Judgment will split humanity into the two final destinations, heaven or hell.
Muslims view their religion as the only true religion and welcome all nationalities, races and religions to join them and be part of their faith.

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